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MANAGEMENT GENERAL MANAGER OFFICE Mary YapGeneral ManagerLai Jian Yi, LucasHead of Operations DOCUMENTATION & DISTRIBUTION Choo IngHead of DepartmentAu Jink SzeManager, Performing DistributionJean TeohAssistant Manager, DocumentationWan Chee WengAssistant Manager, Digital DistributionInquiries on Inquiries on LICENSING Avinash JaydasAssistant Manager, (New Business) Nge Siew LanAssistant Manager, (Renewal Corporate) Ken ChiahAssistant Manager, (Renewal Entertainment)Inquiries on MACPLicence-365  Mark Chuah Chong WeiAssistant ManagerInquiries on MACPLicence-OneOff  Faridah ChairilLicensing OfficerInquiries on MACPLicence-Digital licensing: Inquiries on MACPLicence-Broadcast licensing: MEMBERS, COMMUNICATION &...

Update Your Details

To reach our members efficiently and effectively, we have incorporated digital transformation into our member engagement strategies. The digital tools and platforms enable us to better engage with our members and tailor our messagingTo do so we need our help.We’d really appreciate it if you could help us provide your updated emails for better communication.Please update your email if your name is on the list.  MEMBERS NAME ABDUL HAMID BIN TALIBKRISHNAN A L PERUMALCHEANG HAI KEENIK...