We support and advocate songwriters, locally and internationally.


Local & International Songwriters


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Composition and lyrics are the music that generates performance royalties, mechanical royalties and others. You have exclusive rights over your music to control how they are used by users publicly played, broadcasted and streamed online.
Once you become a member with us, you authorise us to administer your registered music. We can assist you by monitoring the usage of your music in public performances, enabling you to earn royalties.
MACP offers various licences for your use:
  • Licences to use live and/or recorded music (including background music on a CD, radio or stream online) in business settings like restaurant, lounge, store, etc and to be renewed annually.
  • Licences for use the live and/or recorded music (including background music on a CD, radio or stream online) in events such as concerts, carnivals, dinners, wedding etc.
  • Licences for online usage such as Website, Social Media, Streaming Services, Downloading Services, User-Generated Content, General Entertainment Over-the-Top and Internet.
  • Licences for broadcast stations such as Terrestrial radio and television, and Satellite radio and television.
If you are still unsure which MACPLicence you need, please contact us.
Your subscription with these platforms and similar services only allows you to use them in your personal capacity. A MACPLicence allows you to play those subscription music in a public setting and the fees vary depending on your usage.