Home for over 3 million local and international songwriters.
We’re a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting our members who are songwriters. We help them get paid for their awesome music by collecting royalties.
We provide legal avenues for music usage to ensure our members are paid whenever their music is played, performed, downloaded or streamed by businesses, event organisers, broadcast stations and any individuals.
We support them by influencing policy, investing in learning programmes, and hosting networking events.
Founded as a Licensing Body
Proud member of International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC)
Learn About CISACRecognised as Collective Management Organisation from Licensing Body by Intellectual Property Organisation of Malaysia (MyIPO)
To support and protect the rights of songwriters everywhere, both at home and around the world.
In pursuit of our mission, we’re dedicated to upholding the highest standards of transparency, accountability and good governance.
We prioritise transparent communication to keep our members informed about the management, licensing and monetisation of their works. Through openness, we seek to build trust and enhance relationship, fostering a more productive and successful partnership.
We hold ourselves responsible for every decision and action taken on behalf of our members including fair and equitable distribution of royalties and efficient management of copyright licences.
We adhere to the ethical principles and international best practices in all our operations including fairness, integrity and ethical behaviour in decision-making processes.

Dato M Nasir

Vice Chairman Writer
Datuk Ahmad Izham Omar

Raizan Zainal Abidin

Edwin Anand Ananthan

Roger Wang

Tan Yen Hue

Vice Chairman Publisher
Jack Teo Chen Shin
Universal Music Publishing Sdn Bhd

Eric Yeo Lik Koon
Indie Works Sdn Bhd

Janice Foong Wai Heng
Sony Music Publishing Sdn Bhd
EMI Music Publishing Malaysia Sdn Bhd

Jacqueline Chong Heong Kuan
Warner Chappell Music (M) Sdn Bhd

Jennifah Johari
Luncai Emas Sdn Bhd

Ng Ay Na
Goodsound Music Publishing Sdn Bhd
Mary Yap
Chief Executive Officer
Lucas Lai
Head of Operations
Documentation & Distribution
Choo Ing
Head of Department
Au Jink Sze
Manager, Performing Distribution
Jean Teoh
Assistant Manager, Documentation
Wan Chee Weng
Assistant Manager, Digital Distribution
Inquiries on works related matters: documentation@macp.com.my
Inquiries on distribution matters: distribution@macp.com.my

Nge Siew Lan
Assistant Manager (Renewal Corporate)
Ken Chiah
Assistant Manager (Renewal Entertainment)
Avinash Jaydas
Assistant Manager (New Business)
Inquiries on general performance licensing: licensing@macp.com.my

Mark Chuah Chong Wei
Assistant Manager (One-Off Event)

Faridah Chairil
Licensing Officer
Inquiries on digital licensing: digital@macp.com.my
Inquiries on broadcast licensing: broadcast@macp.com.my
Members, Communication & Public Affairs
Nor Masayu Alias
Inquiries on membership matters i.e. membership application, status, events and others: membership@macp.com.my
Inquiries or notification from government liaison and public matters: public@macp.com.my
Shelby Chiow
Christopher Chong
Assistant Manager
Inquiries or notification on financial and administration matters: finance@macp.com.my
Legal & International Affairs
Tai Jun Yan
Legal Associate
Palvinder Kaur
Legal Associate
Inquiries or notification on legal matters: legal@macp.com.my
Inquiries or notification from international partners and affiliated organisations: international@macp.com.my
Information Technology
Chor Hooi Jit
Senior IT Manager
Inquiries on IT matters: it.dept@macp.com.my