Covid19 Special Relief Contribution / Sumbangan Ehsan Khas – 22 May 2020


Dear MACP Writer Members,

Special Relief Contribution

Our heart goes out to fellow members whose creativity and livelihood are impacted by the pandemic of Covid19.

We are pleased to inform that MACP has contributed RM500 for each Full Writer Member today through the payment methods in our records.

With this small gesture to spark positive change, we hope everyone will be able to weather the storm and come out stronger, together!

Sumbangan Ehsan Khas

Salam kasih sayang bagi para ahli yang terkesan, dari segi kreativiti dan punca pendapatan, akibat penularan wabak Covid19.

Dengan sukacitanya kami memaklumkan bahawa MACP telah menyalurkan sumbangan ehsan sebanyak RM500 untuk setiap ahli penuh MACP pada hari ini melalui cara pembayaran di dalam rekod kami.

Melalui usaha kecil untuk menghasilkan perubahan positif, kami berharap agar semua dapat mengharungi segala rintangan dan bangkit semula!