7 th October 2020, Kuala Lumpur - We refer to the news article titled “Artistes seek MACC probe of ‘hidden hands’ . . ....
7 th October 2020, Kuala Lumpur - We refer to the news article titled “Artistes seek MACC probe of ‘hidden hands’ . . ....
Please be advised that due to unforeseen circumstances, the venue of the 30th AGM of the Association, which was . . . ...
Minutes of the Thirtieth Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Company held at mmCINEPLEXES @ E-CURVE...
Melalui detik sukar apabila sumber pendapatan penggiat seni kreatif terjejas akibat penularan COVID-19 sejak . . ....
10th July 2020, Kuala Lumpur - Music Authors’ Copyright Protection (MACP) Berhad (MACP), Public Performance Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (PPM) and Recording Performers Malaysia Berhad (RPM) (“Licensing Bodies”) have today announced the dissolution of Music Rights Malaysia Berhad (MRM)....
Kebanyakan negara di dunia sedang melalui satu krisis pada skala yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya melalui COVID 19. Malaysia tidak terkecuali. .....
Most countries in the world are going through an unprecedented time with COVID 19. Malaysia is no exception. Every sector of our economy has been affected by this pandemic resulting...
If you are playing music commercially, you need to obtain a license....
With effect from 17 June 2020 onwards, MACP will be introducing our new MEMBERSHIP HOTLINE number to cater to all inquiries pertaining to MACP membership...